
Monday, March 4, 2013


SChKInny maninny

For those that have not yet heard of the latest health trend; Catherine Craig's most talked about detox juices, well here it is. 

BFL: What inspired you to start Schkinny Maninny?
Catherine: I was looking for a way to combine my passion for health and nutrition with my passion for business.  I have always been a self educator when it comes to nutrition, I find it so fascinating that food and drink can have such an impact on our lives.  So for me, the idea to combine business with my own interests was the way to go!

BFL: Have you had much help along the way?
Catherine: My dad has extensive experience in business so he has been a great mentor along the way.  I have had a few coaches along the way for bits and pieces, and my boyfriend has always been really supportive of my business and workloads.  But I own the business myself, 100% my own.  I was also really conscious of saving money when I had a full time job so I could start the business, and I have maintained being debt free and have actively re-invested the whole time too, so I can grow the business.

BFL: Was there alot of research involved?
Catherine: Yes, there was a lot of research initially, with naturopaths, nutritionists, dieticians, etc.  We still have contracted naturopaths and nutritionists to make sure what we are doing is nutritionally good and sound.

BFL: What do you recommend for most people doing a juice cleanse?
Catherine: Start with a 3 day cleanse just so you get a handle on how it works and how you feel, then go for longer.  The longer you go, the better you feel and the better result you will get, but don't try to bite off more than you can chew (pardon the pun)!  

BFL: What was it that made you begin your healthy way of life?
Catherine: My parents were always very conscious of eating the right way, and I grew up on a stone fruit farm, so always had loads of fresh fruit straight off the farm to eat, plus fresh vegetables from the veggie patch.  So I started eating lots of fresh whole foods from an early age.  When I finished school and started living away from my parents, I went a little bit the other way, I think as more of an experiment!  But I quickly learnt how badly it makes you feel when you eat badly, so I have been very conscious about what I eat ever since.

BFL: Your morning would consist of?
Catherine: We start super early in the business, so I am normally up and out the door within 20 mins.  I have one of our almond seed rolls from our shop, they are made from raw nuts, goji berries, coconut, chia seeds,pepitas, and sunflower seeds.  Then when deliveries are all finished, I will have a really big green smoothie with lots of spinach and spirulina.

Looking for a detox? Head to Schkinny Maninny

All the drinks are full of Chlorophyll. I recommend drinking the "Leap Frog". 
The numerous health benefits of chlorophyll:
• Cleanses and oxygenates and builds the blood
• A powerful detoxification effect on the body
• Rich in enzymes; rejuvenation of our cells
• High in Amino acids
• Extracts toxins form the liver and improves liver function
• Regulator of calcium
• Helps break addiction
• Alkalizes the body
• Anti-inflammatory
• Wound-healing properties
• Fight infection
• Anti-oxidant – neutralize free radicals
• Promotes healthy intestinal flora
• Helps reverse protein-deficient anemia
• Protection from cancer
• Helps skin disorders