
Tuesday, May 8, 2012


tali shine

We talk with Author, TV Presenter and health & lifestyle expert, Tali Shine who just jetted from London to Australia to guest edit at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

SA: How has fashion week been for you?

Tali: It has been amazing and so busy! As guest editor for I was lucky enough to see pretty much every show and interview every designer, hair and makeup expert backstage. I love the international shows but coming home to Australia with the amazing backdrop of our harbour is breathtaking. The clothes here are fresh,  and actually wearable rather than created to shock and act as theatre like some of the overseas collections. I can't wait to wear many of the items I saw! 

SA: Favourite way to start your day?

Tali: I was never a morning person until I discovered Danai at Jivamukti Yoga in London, now Im up religiously at 6am to do her classes. She is amazing and her classes are a mind, body and soul workout. It's the perfect mix of cardio, strengthening, toning, mantras and meditation, which helps to create balance and toned arms at the same time! Im usually gulping green tea to wake me up as I walk to the classes! Its one thing I really miss when I travel. 

SA: Two fashion items you are wearing right now?

Tali: My Farage tailored black blazer is my staple and comes everywhere with me. It dresses up every outfit, even denim shorts! Im also obsessed with my Rebecca Vallance black leather trousers, i'm not really a jeans girl, so they are my perfect break from mini skirts.

SA: Best beauty products?

Tali: I'm obsessed with coconut oil; I put it in my green tea and I also use it as a natural body moisturiser. I had a lot of hairstyling over fashion week and my hair was feeling a little dry so I have been applying it to my ends before bed too and it has done wonders! I don't leave home without my Estee Lauder moisturiser which has an spf in it. I also carry about three of my own brand of coloured glosses with me at any time. 

SA: Your Beauty Icon?

Tali: Grace Kelly. No one has ever come close to her radiance, style and flaweless beauty and poise.

SA: Guilty pleasures?

Tali: Massages are a great way to unwind after a busy week. I don't watch much television but the show I am totally hooked on is Gossip GIrl; I love the clothes, the characters and the NYC shots, it reminds me of living in NY after uni. I have to admit to having a total shoe addiction. Im not sure how i'm going to fit them all back into my suitcase when I return to London!

SA: What do you always have with you when you travel.

Tali: I never leave home without my camera, I love to capture friends and interesting things and places and then make albums after. I also travel with a cashmere blanket which doubles as a scarf, planes are freezing so its nice to be cozy. If I am going to be in a hotel for a while I pack a small travel candle so the room feels more like home. I get inspirations at strange times so I used to have a notebook and pen with me, but I have just joined the 21st century and bought and IPad.

Tali Shine lip gloss can be bought at: