
Monday, May 28, 2012

We chat with Pilates & Yoga Director, Rachel Crompton from Elixr Health Clubs.

BFL: How long have you been teaching Pilates and how did you start?
I have been teaching pilates at Elixr Health Clubs for nearly 10 years.

I started pilates about 15 years ago after a dance injury.  The results were incredible, I was hooked.  It was so fantastic to find something that I was just as passionate about as I was about dance.

BFL: What did you do before starting Pilates? 
Rachel: I was a professional dancer and choreographer.  I toured Australia with Art council shows for 8 years and ended my dance career in Paris at the Moulin Rouge.  I choreographed stage shows, television commercials and films.

BFL: How did that transform you as a person?

A dancers life is tough requiring a lot of discipline and hard work.  These are traits that I still carry with me now. 
In the past I have spent many, working away from home, so now I relish the chance to be a home body. I just love being at home now with my family.

BFL: Do you follow any strict diet? 
Rachel: I am a very fussy eater.  I rarely eat processed foods and cant tolerate wheat in my diet.  Also I havent eaten red meat for over 26 years.  I eat a lot of free range chicken, fish, brown rice and fresh vegetables.

BFL: What beauty products do you use?
Rachel: Dermalogica all the way

BFL: Your favourite fashion item? 
Rachel: I am a sucker for a really well cut pair of jeans.

1.   Pilates is whole body fitness
2.   Adaptable to many fitness levels
3.   Creates strength without bulk
4.   Increases flexibility
5.   Develops core strength
6.   Improves posture
7.   Increases energy
8.   Promotes weight loss & long lean appearance
9.   Increases awareness – Body/mind connection